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Загварын хэлэлцүүлэг:Navigation bar

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Википедиа — Чөлөөт нэвтэрхий толь

How can I get the navigation box bordered? --Dolugen 03:48, 20 Долоодугаар сар 2007 (UTC)[хариулах]

As I've tried to explain that in Wikipedia:Хурал/Ерөнхий, that's what the CSS and JS files are for. As long as they're not in MediaWiki:Common.css/MediaWiki:Common.js , you need a copy of User:Latebird/monobook.css/User:Latebird/monobook.js in your account as User:Dolugen/monobook.css/User:Dolugen/monobook.js. --Latebird 06:20, 20 Долоодугаар сар 2007 (UTC)[хариулах]
Now I see that you've already used it in articles. In that case, you must copy the CSS/JS to the Common.css/js files, or some of the functionality will be missing for others. --Latebird 06:48, 20 Долоодугаар сар 2007 (UTC)[хариулах]
I copied the file. Before using it everywhere, should we translate the name of the template? Temur 07:35, 20 Долоодугаар сар 2007 (UTC)[хариулах]
If nobody complains... Maybe we should leave the old name in place as a redirect, though. --Latebird 08:03, 20 Долоодугаар сар 2007 (UTC)[хариулах]
Copied them.. Maybe I didn't get it, but those Common. files were locked. Or am I being paranoid? Btw, didn't get the reason to save it in my page, though :P sorry. --Dolugen 08:48, 20 Долоодугаар сар 2007 (UTC)[хариулах]
The common files can only be edited by admins (which is why I also couldn't do it myself). Copying them to your user space would only have been necessary to test them before they were installed for everybody. Everything is working now either way. --Latebird 09:16, 20 Долоодугаар сар 2007 (UTC)[хариулах]
Btw.: Those who copied the files to their user space may want to delete them again. Otherwise the JavaScript will create two "hide" links in the titlebar because the same code is executed twice. It's not technically a problem, but ugly... ;) --Latebird 14:22, 20 Долоодугаар сар 2007 (UTC)[хариулах]

Орчуулга (Translation)

[кодоор засварлах]

Нэрийг нь юу гэж орчуулах вэ? Хавчуурга гэвэл ямар вэ? Temur 08:09, 20 Долоодугаар сар 2007 (UTC)[хариулах]

Энэ Navigation гэж үг угаасаа шилжсэн утгатай болохоор, бас та бүхний толгойд орлуулчихмаар үг орж ирэхгүй бол ямар нэг энгийн үг бодож олсон нь дээр байх. Дөхүүлж орчуулъя гэвэл (Интернэт) хэсэх буюу хэсэлт гэсэн үг болно. Цааш хувиргавал Сүлжээ хэсэх бүр цаашаа Сүлжилт болж болох юм. :P Иймэрхүү хувиргалт хийгээд гайгүй нэр олохыг бодоцгооё --Dolugen 09:04, 20 Долоодугаар сар 2007 (UTC)[хариулах]
Maybe we should standardize the names of the actual navboxes created from this one as well? For example, a name like Template:Монгол бичиг үсэг gives no indication as to whether it's a navbar, an infobox, or something entirely different. Starting the name with "Navbar" (translated if you prefer) would make things a lot clearer. Compare in dewiki:
or in enwiki:
--Latebird 09:25, 20 Долоодугаар сар 2007 (UTC)[хариулах]

Саяхан зүгээр байсан ч хүрээ харагдахгүй болчихжээ. Загварыг ашигласан хуудас олон байгаа тул засах хэрэгтэй.--MongolWiki (talk) 12:15, 20 Наймдугаар сар 2014 (UTC)[хариулах]