Колоничлол: Засвар хоорондын ялгаа

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Мөр 3: Мөр 3:
Колончлол нь нэг улс гүрэн өөр бусад ороныг(муж,улс) удирдлагандаа авч хяналтандаа байлгахыг хэлнэ.Ихэвчлэн хүчирхэг хөрөнгөтөй улс орон жижиг ядуу буурай улс орны удирдлагыг гартаа авдаг. Заримдаа имрпализим гэдэг үг нь колончлол гэдэгтэй хамааралтай хэрэглэгддэг.
Колончлол нь нэг улс гүрэн өөр бусад ороныг(муж,улс) удирдлагандаа авч хяналтандаа байлгахыг хэлнэ.Ихэвчлэн хүчирхэг хөрөнгөтөй улс орон жижиг ядуу буурай улс орны удирдлагыг гартаа авдаг. Заримдаа имрпализим гэдэг үг нь колончлол гэдэгтэй хамааралтай хэрэглэгддэг.

In the 1700s and 1800s, many of the richer, more powerful European countries (such as Britain, France, Spain, and the Netherlands) established colonies in the continents of Africa, South America, and the Caribbean.

1700-1800 онд Британи, Франц, Недерланд , Испани зэрэг хүчирхэг баян улсууд африк тив,өмнөд америк зэрэг газруудад колони бий болгожээ.
Some countries use colonialism to get more land for their people to live in. When countries are using colonialism to get more land for their people to live in, the country will help settlers move to the new region or territory. The local people living in the land or territories were usually moved away by using force and violence from armies. To protect these settlers from the local residents who were pushed aside, colonial nations often set up a military fort or colonial police system.
Some countries use colonialism to get more land for their people to live in. When countries are using colonialism to get more land for their people to live in, the country will help settlers move to the new region or territory. Зарим улс орон өөрийн эзэмшил нутагаа колониор өргөсгөж The local people living in
the land or territories were usually moved away by using force and violence from armies. To protect these settlers from the local residents who were pushed aside, colonial nations often set up a military fort or colonial police system.

Other countries use colonialism to get more land so that they can use the land for farming or to extract (take out) resources such as trees (wood), coal, or metals. or creating a local government or military fort
Other countries use colonialism to get more land so that they can use the land for farming or to extract (take out) resources such as trees (wood), coal, or metals. or creating a local government or military fort

02:08, 30 Гуравдугаар сар 2013-ий байдлаарх засвар


Колончлол нь нэг улс гүрэн өөр бусад ороныг(муж,улс) удирдлагандаа авч хяналтандаа байлгахыг хэлнэ.Ихэвчлэн хүчирхэг хөрөнгөтөй улс орон жижиг ядуу буурай улс орны удирдлагыг гартаа авдаг. Заримдаа имрпализим гэдэг үг нь колончлол гэдэгтэй хамааралтай хэрэглэгддэг.

1700-1800 онд Британи, Франц, Недерланд , Испани зэрэг хүчирхэг баян улсууд африк тив,өмнөд америк зэрэг газруудад колони бий болгожээ. Some countries use colonialism to get more land for their people to live in. When countries are using colonialism to get more land for their people to live in, the country will help settlers move to the new region or territory. Зарим улс орон өөрийн эзэмшил нутагаа колониор өргөсгөж The local people living in

the land or territories were usually moved away by using force and violence from armies. To protect these settlers from the local residents who were pushed aside, colonial nations often set up a military fort or colonial police system.

Other countries use colonialism to get more land so that they can use the land for farming or to extract (take out) resources such as trees (wood), coal, or metals. or creating a local government or military fort

Other countries use colonialism so that they can get workers from the poorer country to work in factories or farms (either in the richer country, or in the poorer country). In the past, powerful countries that were colonizing poorer countries or regions often forced the people from the poorer countries to work as slaves.