Хэрэглэгч:Sodkhuudalaikhuu/Програм хангамж зохиох хэв загвар
(Хэрэглэгч:Cogxvv/Програм хангамж зохиох хэв загвар-с чиглүүлэгдэв)
Програм хангамжийн инженерчлэлд зохиомжийн хэв загвар гэж тухайн програм хангамжийн зохиомжийн дотор өгөгдсөн хам сэдвийн хүрээнд түгээмэл тохиолддог асуудлуудад зориулсан ерөнхий, дахин ашиглах боломжтой шийдлийг хэлдэг.
Ангилал, жагсаалт
[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]Бүтээлтийн хэв загвар
[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]Нэр |
Тодорхойлолт |
In Design Patterns | In Code Complete | Other |
Хийсвэр үйлдвэр |
Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. | Тийм | Тийм | N/A |
Өрөгч |
Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation, allowing the same construction process to create various representations. | Тийм | Үгүй | N/A |
Dependency Injection | A class accepts the objects it requires from an injector instead of creating the objects directly. | Үгүй | Үгүй | N/A |
Үйлдвэр арга |
Define an interface for creating a single object, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate. Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses. | Тийм | Тийм | N/A |
Lazy initialization | Tactic of delaying the creation of an object, the calculation of a value, or some other expensive process until the first time it is needed. This pattern appears in the GoF catalog as "virtual proxy", an implementation strategy for the Proxy pattern. | Тийм | Үгүй | PoEAA[1] |
Олон биет |
Ensure a class has only named instances, and provide a global point of access to them. | Үгүй | Үгүй | N/A |
Object pool | Avoid expensive acquisition and release of resources by recycling objects that are no longer in use. Can be considered a generalisation of connection pool and thread pool patterns. | Үгүй | Үгүй | N/A |
Анхны төрөл |
Specify the kinds of objects to create using a prototypical instance, and create new objects from the 'skeleton' of an existing object, thus boosting performance and keeping memory footprints to a minimum. | Тийм | Үгүй | N/A |
Resource acquisition is initialization (RAII) | Ensure that resources are properly released by tying them to the lifespan of suitable objects. | Үгүй | Үгүй | N/A |
Ганц биет |
Ensure a class has only one instance, and provide a global point of access to it. | Тийм | Тийм | N/A |
Бүтцийн хэв загвар
[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]Нэр | Тодорхойлолт | In Design Patterns | In Code Complete | Other |
Тааруулагч, өлгий, эсвэл орчуулагч | Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. An adapter lets classes work together that could not otherwise because of incompatible interfaces. The enterprise integration pattern equivalent is the translator. | Тийм | Тийм | N/A |
Гүүр |
Decouple an abstraction from its implementation allowing the two to vary independently. | Тийм | Тийм | N/A |
Composite | Compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly. | Тийм | Тийм | N/A |
Чимэглэгч |
Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically keeping the same interface. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality. | Тийм | Тийм | N/A |
Extension object | Adding functionality to a hierarchy without changing the hierarchy. | Үгүй | Үгүй | Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices[2] |
Фасад |
Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Facade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use. | Тийм | Тийм | N/A |
Хөнгөн жин |
Use sharing to support large numbers of similar objects efficiently. | Тийм | Үгүй | N/A |
Front controller | The pattern relates to the design of Web applications. It provides a centralized entry point for handling requests. | Үгүй | Үгүй | J2EE Patterns[3]
PoEAA[4] |
Marker | Empty interface to associate metadata with a class. | Үгүй | Effective Java[5] | N/A |
Модуль |
Group several related elements, such as classes, singletons, methods, globally used, into a single conceptual entity. | Тийм | Үгүй | N/A |
Итгэмжлэл |
Provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it. | Тийм
"Twin – A Design Pattern for Modeling Multiple Inheritance" (PDF). |
Үгүй | |
Twin | Twin allows modeling of multiple inheritance in programming languages that do not support this feature. | Үгүй | Үгүй | Үгүй |
Зан үйлийн хэв загвар
[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]Нэр | Тодорхойлолт |
In Design Patterns | In Code Complete | Other |
Blackboard | Artificial intelligence pattern for combining disparate sources of data (see blackboard system) | Тийм | Үгүй | N/A |
Chain of responsibility | Avoid coupling the sender of a request to its receiver by giving more than one object a chance to handle the request. Chain the receiving objects and pass the request along the chain until an object handles it. | Тийм | Үгүй | N/A |
Команд |
Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby allowing for the parameterization of clients with different requests, and the queuing or logging of requests. It also allows for the support of undoable operations. | Тийм | Үгүй | N/A |
Хэлмэрч |
Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language. | Тийм | Тийм | N/A |
Давтагч |
Provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation. | Тийм | Үгүй | N/A |
Зууч |
Define an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact. Mediator promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly, and it allows their interaction to vary independently. | Тийм | Үгүй | N/A |
Санамж |
Without violating encapsulation, capture and externalize an object's internal state allowing the object to be restored to this state later. | Үгүй | Үгүй | N/A |
Нойль объект |
Avoid null references by providing a default object. | Тийм | Тийм | N/A |
Ажиглагч буюу нийтлэх/захиалах | Define a one-to-many dependency between objects where a state change in one object results in all its dependents being notified and updated automatically. | Үгүй | Үгүй | N/A |
Үйлчлэгч |
Define common functionality for a group of classes. | Үгүй | Үгүй | N/A |
Specification | Recombinable business logic in a Boolean fashion. | Үгүй | N/A | Тийм |
Төлөв |
Allow an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. The object will appear to change its class. | Тийм | N/A | Тийм |
Стратеги |
Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it. | Тийм | N/A | Тийм |
Темплейт арга |
Define the skeleton of an algorithm in an operation, deferring some steps to subclasses. Template method lets subclasses redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithm's structure. | Үгүй | N/A | N/A |
Зочин |
Represent an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure. Visitor lets a new operation be defined without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates.
Schmidt, Douglas C.; Stal, Michael; Rohnert, Hans; Buschmann, Frank (2000). Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 2: Patterns for Concurrent and Networked Objects. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-60695-2. |
Үгүй | N/A |
Ашигласан материал
[засварлах | кодоор засварлах][[Ангилал:Програм хангамж зохиох хэв загвар]]
- ↑ Fowler, Martin (2002). Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 978-0-321-12742-6.
- ↑ C. Martin, Robert (2002). "28. Extension object". Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices. p. 408. ISBN 978-0135974445.
- ↑ Alur, Deepak; Crupi, John; Malks, Dan (2003). Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies. Prentice Hall. p. 166. ISBN 0-13-142246-4.
- ↑ Fowler, Martin (2002). Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. Addison-Wesley. p. 344. ISBN 978-0-321-12742-6.
- ↑ Bloch, Joshua (2008). "Item 37: Use marker interfaces to define types". Effective Java (Second edition). Addison-Wesley. p. 179. ISBN 978-0-321-35668-0.