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Википедиа — Чөлөөт нэвтэрхий толь




No source specified. Please edit this image description and provide a source.






See below.

This template documentation is transcluded from Загвар:Imageinfo/doc [edit]

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Баримт бичиг

[кодоор засварлах]
|Тайлбар      = 
|Эх_сурвалж   = 
|Он_сар_өдөр  = 
|Зохиогч      = 
|Зөвшөөрөл    = 
|бусад_хувилбарууд = 

A standardized table providing complete information about the file, including description of what it shows and how it was made, copyright status and source.

Brief syntax description

[кодоор засварлах]

You can use parameters in either Mongolian or English, but please don't mix.

|Description =
|Source      =
|Date        =
|Author      =
|Permission  = (optional, returns "See below." if nothing is filled in)
|other_versions = (optional variable, can be left out)

e.g. the source code of the description of Image:Anders-Celsius-Head.jpg:

|Description =
Part of an oil painting of Anders Celsius. Painting by Olof Arenius (1701 - 1766).
The original painting is placed in the astronomical observatory of Uppsala University.
|Source      = Astronomical observatory of Uppsala University
* http://www.astro.uu.se/history/Celsius_eng.html
* http://www.astro.uu.se/history/images/celsius3.jpg
|Date        = between 1701 - 1766
|Author      = Olof Arenius
|Permission  = Copyright expired as artist died more than 70 years ago
|other_versions = [[:Image:Anders-Celsius.jpeg]] (full image)