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Хэрэглэгчийн яриа:Munkhzaya.E/Архив/2019

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Википедиа — Чөлөөт нэвтэрхий толь


дуу орчуулах

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Сайн байна уу, Би бол америк, би сайн монгол хэлээр ярьдаггүй. Та эдгээр дуунуудыг орчуулах уу? Би үүнийг маш их үнэлдэг. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVVP1kRY7xc, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qVZDOyGpRI Yesükhei Baatar (talk) 18:41, 6 Тавдугаар сар 2019 (UTC)[хариулах]

Ганхуягийн Анхмаа хуудсыг Анхмаа (дуучин) болгоод өгөөч. Бусад Metadata-нууд дан Анхмаа гэж явж байгаа. Баярлалаа

Сайн байна уу? энэ дуучны тухай өөр хэлний википедиад бичсэн зүйл олж харсангүй, тэгээд ч Анхмаа (дуучин) гээд хайхад гарч ирэхээр чиглүүлэгийг та хийсэн байна. Таны өөрчлөхийг хүссэн нэр нь олонд танигдсан тайзны нэр биш харин өөрийн нь нэр учраас овог нэрээр нь бүтнээр нь оруулсан болно. Хүндэтгэсэн Munkhzaya.E (talk) 13:43, 25 Зургаадугаар сар 2019 (UTC)[хариулах]

Hello there. I was looking for an active Mongolian Wikipedia editor and even among the admins, you're the only one who has been fairly recently active. I'm an OTRS volunteer and I think you could be somewhat helpful in a recent inquiry we received. if you're able to communicate in English also, I'd love to see that happening, message me on Meta so we can get started. Kind Regards. Mohammad (talk) 23:18, 8 Наймдугаар сар 2019 (UTC)[хариулах]

Zorigt I think you may also be able to help. Mohammad (talk) 23:27, 8 Наймдугаар сар 2019 (UTC)[хариулах]

Төгс Хүчит Бурханы Чуулган

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Here's how I modified the Google Translation of the article on The Church of Almighty God, also known as Eastern Lightning. --Lo Ximiendo (talk) 12:31, 14 Наймдугаар сар 2019 (UTC)[хариулах]

Hi there, Munkhzaya.E. I am Erica and work in the Community Engagement department at the Wikimedia Foundation. I hope all is fine with you. I am contacting you because of your experience in translating content to/from Mongolian. I have a message from the Language team that I would like to deliver soon to your community here, and hence I would appreciate if you could translate it before. (If you can't help, please, let me know who I can ask instead, as we'd like to start conversations with all of you soon!) Thanks a lot for what you will do, and talk to you soon! --Elitre (WMF) (talk) 17:49, 13 Есдүгээр сар 2019 (UTC)[хариулах]