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Хэрэглэгч:"Том-Амжилт" ххк

Википедиа — Чөлөөт нэвтэрхий толь


"Tom-amjilt" LLC was founded by its site name amjilt.com 2007 on 12/19. In 2010 expanded as a company "Tom-amjilt" so far has been an active operation.

[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]

Our company since 2010, video advertising services, website maintenance, web hosting and domain names allow Internet marketing and began to operate in the area to conduct online training, "Tom-Amjilt" LLC, 2012 12/09 on "Success Academy of information technology ", started in Mongolia pioneer of information technology training.

Amjilt Information Technology Academy

2012 established 12/09. since 2012, has been successfully operating continuously. Best of Mongolia 2013 and 2015, the best training center

provide training and following directions. Include:

- Web design

- Graphic Design

- 3D AutoCAD

- 3D animation, multimedia

Studio 2013/12/19 established success.

2015/1/1 the country's first full-length 3D animation and cartoons, "Mora" started production of animated films.

Contact: Tel: 7711-6060, 86863737, 8822-0000, 9822-0000,