Хэлэлцүүлэг:Өндөр Гонгор

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Öndör Gongor ünendee odoogiin Hövsgöl aimgiin Jargalant sum-d törsön bish uu? Odoogiin Hövsgöl aimgiin Jargalant sum ~1940 hürtel neg Arkhangai-giin sum baisan.odoo bol hovsgol aimagiin negen hogjlooroo davamgailsan sum. ene sumamd ondor vgongoroos gadna gelen huu ch bas torj osoj nisej uzsen hadan hysaaa n ch bii shuu. uzej harah ym ih shuu

(Wasn't he really born in what is today Jargalant sum in Hövsgöl aimag? the sum was part of Arkhangai until about 1940, so there might be some confusion. Or maybe it's not entirely clear where he was born? Sorry for my bad Mongolian, pls. correct my mistakes). Yaan