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Зүүн Тимор

Википедиа — Чөлөөт нэвтэрхий толь
Бүгд Найрамдах Ардчилсан Зүүн Тимор Улс
Уриа: Unidade, Acção, Progresso (Португал)
"Эв нэгдэл, Хөдөлгөөн, Хөгжил дэвшил"
Төрийн дуулал: Патриа (Португал)
"Эх орон"
Location of Зүүн Тимор
ба томоохон хот
8°33′S 125°34′E / 8.55°S 125.56°E / -8.55; 125.56Солбицол: 8°33′S 125°34′E / 8.55°S 125.56°E / -8.55; 125.56
Албан ёсны хэл
Үндэсний хэлнүүд
Ажлын хэл
(2015 тооллого)[1]
Ард түмний нэршил
  • Зүүн Тиморчууд
  • Тиморчууд
  • Маубере (албан бус)[2][3]
Төр засагНэгдмэл хагас-ерөнхийлөгчийн бүгд найрамдах улс[4]
Жозе Рамуш-Орта
Шанана Гусман
Хууль тогтоох байгууллагаҮндэсний Парламент
16-р зуун
11 сарын 28, 1975 он
7 сарын 17, 1976 он
10 сарын 25, 1999 он
5 сарын 20, 2002 он
Газар нутаг
• Нийт
14,874 км2 (154)
• Усны эзлэх талбай (%)
Хүн ам
• 2021 тооцоо
1,340,513 (153)
• 2015 тооллого
• Нягтаршил
78/км2 (137)
ДНБ (ХАЧТ)2023 тооцоо
• Нийт
$5.0 тэрбум [6] (173rd)
• Нэг хүнд ноогдох
$3,637[6] (157)
ДНБ (нэрлэсэн)2023 тооцоо
• Нийт
$1.98 тэрбум[6] (183rd)
• Нэг хүнд ноогдох
$1,425[6] (151)
ОТББИ (2014)28.7[7]
ХХИ (2021)0.607[8]
дундаж · 140
Мөнгөний нэгжАНУ-ын долларb Зүүн Тимор центаво зоос (USD)
Цагийн бүсUTC+9 (Зүүн Тиморын Цаг)
Жолооны талзүүн
Утасны томьёо+670
ISO 3166 кодTL
Домэйн нэр.tlc
  1. Fifteen further "national languages" are recognised by the Constitution
  2. Өмнөх .tp хэрэглээг зогсоосон

Зүүн Тимор, албан ёсоор Бүгд Найрамдах Ардчилсан Зүүн Тимор Улс нь Зүүн өмнөд Азид орших орон юм. Энэ оронд Тимор арлын тал, Атауро, Жака, Индонезийн эзэмшил дэх Баруун Тиморын Оэкусси-Амбено хамаарагддаг.

 Commons: Зүүн Тимор – Викимедиа зураг, бичлэг, дууны сан
  1. "Nationality, Citizenship, and Religion". Government of Timor-Leste. 25 October 2015. Archived from the original on 14 July 2019. Retrieved 29 January 2020.
  2. Hicks, David (15 September 2014). Rhetoric and the Decolonization and Recolonization of East Timor. Routledge. ISBN 9781317695356. Archived from the original on 26 March 2023. Retrieved 12 October 2020 – via Google Books.
  3. Adelman, Howard (28 June 2011). No Return, No Refuge: Rites and Rights in Minority Repatriation. Columbia University Press. ISBN 9780231526906. Archived from the original on 26 March 2023. Retrieved 12 October 2020 – via Google Books.
  4. Shoesmith, Dennis (2003). "Timor-Leste: Divided Leadership in a Semi-Presidential System". Asian Survey. 43 (2): 231–252. doi:10.1525/as.2003.43.2.231. Archived from the original on 14 April 2021. Retrieved 24 August 2020. The semi-presidential system in the new state of Timor-Leste has institutionalized a political struggle between the president, Xanana Gusmão, and the prime minister, Mari Alkatiri. This has polarized political alliances and threatens the viability of the new state. This paper explains the ideological divisions and the history of rivalry between these two key political actors. The adoption of Marxism by Fretilin in 1977 led to Gusmão's repudiation of the party in the 1980s and his decision to remove Falintil, the guerrilla movement, from Fretilin control. The power struggle between the two leaders is then examined in the transition to independence. This includes an account of the politicization of the defense and police forces and attempts by Minister of Internal Administration Rogério Lobato to use disaffected Falintil veterans as a counterforce to the Gusmão loyalists in the army. The December 4, 2002, Dili riots are explained in the context of this political struggle.
  5. "Population by Age & Sex". Government of Timor-Leste. 25 October 2015. Archived from the original on 25 January 2020. Retrieved 29 January 2020.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 "World Economic Outlook Database, October 2022". IMF.org. International Monetary Fund. October 2022. Archived from the original on 24 October 2022. Retrieved October 11, 2022.
  7. "Gini Index coefficient". CIA World Factbook. Archived from the original on 17 July 2021. Retrieved 16 July 2021.
  8. "Human Development Report 2021/2022" (PDF) (in англи). United Nations Development Programme. 8 September 2022. Archived (PDF) from the original on 8 September 2022. Retrieved 8 September 2022.